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Gender : M Born : 14/10/1997 Lives: France
Comments: 3862 Forum posts: 806 Level: 32, Next level in 429 xp Level Rank: Conqueror Experience: 11421 Translator Points: 934
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"We don't fear to say "I love you". We fear to don't hear it back" Jonathan is a teenager in love with a girl but he doesn't dare telling her...
by Jack Sugar
by YonYonYon
World is on the edge of war. Two factions will fight, until one of them perish from the earth.Only one hero can stop the destruction of the world.
by Fernando_Biz
by Gogéta Jr, Asura00
by FrenchKizz
by Eisu
by Leth.hate
by A-Cup-Of-Tim
by Devil_HS
by Ibi
by Eskhar
by Mabeelz, Salagir
by A.C.Puig, Jormest
by MlleLowra
by piratesourcil
by Akeema
by Keiden
by Wilfried Bento
by nynadp
by darkwisard, Ruleslemanga
by Nuxcia
by meissdes, noi-albinoi
by Aerinn
by Velkia
by Estherrulez
by Monsieur To
by Art-of-Kawaii
by Ichirou, Quadrinize
by Biishop
by Sieg, Kinkgirl
by sebynosaure
by manapany
by Jinon
by Marlène
by Kalumis
by Jheronim0
by OteKaï, Norad
by lauramma
by Freakazoid
Jack Sugar commented these pages :
Le Poing de Saint Jude Chapter: 2 page: 11 Simple Love Chapter: 7 page: 13 man of factorisation première Chapter: 1 page: 7 Le Recrutement Chapter: page: 57 Chapter: 17 page: 23
Le Recrutement
Chapter: page: 56
Jack Sugar posted on the forum :
Ma petite présentation Pour le rituel, je te dirais quand même "bienvenue" =) Japan Expo Paris Ce serait sympa de passer tous vous voir, en effet ... mais faire des flyers pour ça : qui les paierait ? Pas le site, en tout cas ... u_u
No Softly Chapter: 1 page: 10 Chronoctis Express Chapter: 1 page: 25 Chapter: 4 page: 16 Le Poing de Saint Jude Chapter: 2 page: 11
Chaque mois, nouveau theme ! (Juste, pourquoi le bleu ?) L'ambiance est très bonne aussi 8) Amilova.com à la Japan Expo 2014 ? Ah, Big Boss m'intrigue, là ... 8) 4 ans, déjà ...
Mash-Up Chapter: 1 page: 12 Chapter: 17 page: 22 Chapter: 4 page: 16 man of factorisation première Chapter: 1 page: 4 The Fallen Sentries Chapter: page: 45 man of factorisation première Chapter: 1 page: 2 man of factorisation première Chapter: 1 page: 1 Chronoctis Express Chapter: 1 page: 25 Le Poing de Saint Jude Chapter: 2 page: 11
Chapter: 1 page: 12
Chapter: 1 page: 11
Jack Sugar published these pages :
New page of Mash-Up
En Français, chapitre 1, page 12
Jack Sugar says
Page de ce soir finie juste à temps !! \o/
Chaque mois, nouveau theme ! Ah, je sors enfin de mon trou ... Je participerai sans doute 8) blblblbl et salutation "Bienvenue", alors 8) Et vive Nyna pour t'avoir fait renaître ^^ Ma présentation, eh oui. Bienvenue ^^